RSI Rete Due

Rete Due offre musica classica, contemporanea, jazz ed etnica, programmi di approfondimento e di attualità culturale, appuntamenti giornalieri con letteratura, cinema, teatro, filosofia, arte, scienza e multimedia, oltre a rassegne stampa delle pagine culturali nazionali ed internazionali. Weitere mehr RSI Rete Due is the second Italian-language radio station from Radiotelevisione svizzera di lingua italiana (RSI). It was launched in 1985. Its headquarters are at the RSI-building in Lugano-Besso, reaching a daily average of between 26,000 and 28,000 listeners. Thus, it has a market share of 5.8%.The programming is mainly focused on classical music and culture, much like Radio SRF 2 Kultur and Espace 2. It broadcasts on FM and DAB, but also via satellite and online.

About RSI Rete Due
Lugano / Switzerland
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