K-LOVE Radio

K-LOVE is a non-denominational, non-profit, listener-supported radio network. We have over 400 radio signals in 44 states and can also be heard online at klove.com.

Acerca de K-LOVE Radio
California / USA
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A paz do Senhor a todos servos de Deus. eu sou um milgre de DEUS o qual me livrou da morte e me deu muitos hinos porem e muito dificil a gravaçao gostaria da ajuda de vcs na divulgaçao do meu canal LOUVADEUS com lilian. vcs sendo meus parceiros assim eu serei grata e divulgarei tambem o trabalho d vc, e agradecerei a DEUS. o Senhor dos exercitos em breve vem e eu preciso passar a mensagem enquanto posso. obrigada pela atençao e a paz do Senhor.

Hello, good afternoon, my name is Jorge Castro, I am greeting you from Honduras, I love your radio program, I listen to you every day, very happy. God bless you a hug and greetings from Honduras tegucigalpa

Every day listening K-Love, excellent music!!!. From Morelia Michoacán, Mexico.

I heard it every eves after my teacher hard work to relax and think only in GOD,JESUS AND ALL THE CHRISTIAN UNIVERSE THROUHG THE GREAT VOICES, SONGS GROUPS AND MELODIES.

I love K-love so much that I don't want it to stop playing because its like the only thing that I listen to. K-love is awesome so please don't stop playing K-love.

I cannot hear to listen K-love from Brazil, the stream doesn't load since one month ago

A paz do Senhor a todos servos de Deus. eu sou um milgre de DEUS o qual me livrou da morte e me deu muitos hinos porem e muito dificil a gravaçao gostaria da ajuda de vcs na divulgaçao do meu canal LOUVADEUS com lilian. vcs sendo meus parceiros assim eu serei grata e divulgarei tambem o trabalho d vc, e agradecerei a DEUS. o Senhor dos exercitos em breve vem e eu preciso passar a mensagem enquanto posso. obrigada pela atençao e a paz do Senhor.

Hello, good afternoon, my name is Jorge Castro, I am greeting you from Honduras, I love your radio program, I listen to you every day, very happy. God bless you a hug and greetings from Honduras tegucigalpa

Every day listening K-Love, excellent music!!!. From Morelia Michoacán, Mexico.

I heard it every eves after my teacher hard work to relax and think only in GOD,JESUS AND ALL THE CHRISTIAN UNIVERSE THROUHG THE GREAT VOICES, SONGS GROUPS AND MELODIES.

I love K-love so much that I don't want it to stop playing because its like the only thing that I listen to. K-love is awesome so please don't stop playing K-love.

I cannot hear to listen K-love from Brazil, the stream doesn't load since one month ago

from mo love it K-LOVE do more its incredible I know I am just a kid but I have be baptized and I was so scared but It's not bad at all because your are coming to the Christ

I listen to it everyday and it is definitely the best thing I have heard throughout the day. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE it!!!!!!! I am just a kid and you may think that kids don't go through a lot but, really we go through hard times too. So this encouragement that K-love is giving really helps us.

saludos, desde Tihuatlan Veracruz Mexico...

Greetings from Colombia, South America. Love it all.

I listen Rock from the 80´s station

Love Brant & Sherri in the morning. With my health problems they make it easier to get my day started.

Hello, I’m Irismar Vieira da Silva I’m from Goiania Goias Brazil, I really like this radio, every day I’m listening to you through the app, may God bless you always.

It such a great joy , listen to Pastor chin , he is send from god to heal the nation , god bless him and his family.

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