Peanut Radio

Peanut Radio is a highly esteemed internet radio station hailing from Leeds, England in the United Kingdom. This station is renowned for its eclectic selection of J-pop, Japanese, and rock music. In addition to its expertly curated playlist, Peanut Radio also provides the opportunity for HAM radio amateurs to connect and converse with one another via Android devices, network radios, and Windows PCs. This service is completely free of charge and serves as a tribute to the tireless efforts of its creator, David. The Peanut Radio experience is further enhanced through the use of the AMBE3000, hosted by DV Scotland Phoenix, which acts as a bridge to the Peanut Master. The Peanut app can be easily downloaded from the PLAY store and is compatible with Android devices. Overall, Peanut Radio is a must-listen destination for music lovers and HAM radio enthusiasts alike. In fact, it has even inspired the creation of a popular Facebook group in its honor. Additionally, Peanut Radio has received widespread praise for its availability on streaming radio channels and the option to listen for free. As a cherry on top, Peanut Radio is affiliated with the esteemed WIRES-X.UK. Finally, fans of the beloved Peanuts franchise will be delighted to know that they can even create their own Peanut character and stay up to date on the latest Peanut-related news.

Acerca de Peanut Radio
Huddersfield / United Kingdom
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